Norstat now carries the SAFE FLEX, a Safety Relay that offers selectable function variations for monitoring E-Stops, Safety Gates, Two Hand Controls, Safety Light Curtains & Barriers type 2 and type 4 as well as Single Channel Safety Devices all in one safety relay.

The SAFE FLEX from CM Manufactory is a multi-faceted safety relay capable of monitoring several different modalities by simply changing the wiring configuration. This unique relay is capable of monitoring Emergency Stops, Safety Gates, Two Hand Controls, Single Channel Safety Devices as well as ESPE Safety ( light curtains and barriers ) up to and including safety Cat. 4.
The SAFE FLEX has 2 NO contacts and 1 Aux. Output ( PNP ), a switching capacity of 1500 VA, a fallback time of <= 30ms ( depending on function ) and operates off of 24 V DC. LED lights provide information for power, channel, fault indication and state of the relay. The SAFE FLEX can operate in temperatures of -25°C to +55°C and is TUV, C-UL and UL approved.